Skin electronics
Class twelve - 12 December 2017
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
I made a mask of a BIGNOSE with a light emitting colourful pimple. I used Pongo to make the nose, gypsum to create a mold and then I covered the mold in many layers of foam latex. As a release agent I brushed vaseline directly on the gypsum. Allowed a couple of hours for the latex to dry in between each layer. Then I filled the mold with Flex Foam it by smooth-on, a polyurethane resin that exbands n-times its volume and become a sponge, in order to give a structure to the latex skin. I made a simple microcontroller with an Attiny45 and a button battery, with breakout pins for the attiny so that I can customize it for other uses. I connected an RGB LED and wrote a sketch that makes a sequence of the first 8 RGB colors.
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