Saverio Silli
I worked as an architect, designer, model and prototype maker, prop and costume maker, until I discovered the Maker Movement. I have been an active member of the Italian’s maker community since 2012, giving birth to the first two Fablabs in Rome. In 2015 I moved to Milan to enroll in the Fab Academy course directed by Neil Gershenfeld, director of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms.
After graduation as a Digital Fabrication Specialist I became the local instructor for Fab Academy in Fablab WOMA/Volumes in Paris, France, and since December 2016 I am the Director of Courses at Fablab O Shanghai and Assistant Professor in Tongji University’s College of Design and Innovation in Shanghai, working as an instructor and developing new classes for the STEAM education.
I have organized digital fabrication workshops in Rome, Milan, Paris, Seoul, Shenzhen, Xian and I am an active member of the international fablab network.
This website by Saverio Silli (based on Twitter Bootstrap) and all its content is licensed under the following license: CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International.